Dickheads and Assholes:
The defining characteristics of Dickheads are mean-spiritedness,
stupidity, and a lack of self-awareness. Dickheads are further characterized by
their ineptitude, brutality, and inability to read people. Dickheads are
Dickheads by choice. Dickheads think they are being funny when they are not.
This often involves the telling of racist jokes. Dickheads' antics hurt. They always laugh at their victims
and assume they are endearing to their “friend group”. None of a Dickhead’s
friends actually like the Dickhead, but they are too scared of retaliatory
pranking to ever say or do anything about it. Dickheads are impossible to kick
out of bands. Dickheads can be seen handing out Dixie cups of vodka to marathon
runners, who are expecting water. If you start a war, you are probably a Dickhead.
All Dickheads are bullies (but not all bullies are Dickheads – see below). You
cannot be a female Dickhead. One never accuses a Dickhead of being a Dickhead
to his face. Dickheads honk at you to GO!
when you are waiting for a pedestrian at a crosswalk. Dickheads are often cuckolds. Your older
brother is probably a Dickhead. Dickheads
wear offensive or inappropriate Halloween costumes. Dickheads give mean or
insulting gifts. Dickheads give bad stock advice. At a sports bar, a Dickhead
will gloat ostentatiously and laugh at your team’s misfortune even if his team isn't even playing. Dickheads are bad tippers because they don’t know any
better. Dickheads are buffoons. There are no Dickheads in the animal kingdom. Dickheads
drink beer. Dickheads borrow money and don’t pay it back. Women hate Dickheads.
Assholes are similar to Dickheads, with two fundamental
differences. Assholes are intelligent and direct. Like Dickheads, Assholes are
mean-spirited and brutal. But their general competency makes them far more
dangerous. Being an Asshole is not a choice, it’s a birthright. Assholes do not
tell jokes or attempt to win people over with humor or affability. Racist
comments made by Assholes represent fundamental beliefs. The
animosity an Asshole incurs is intentional. While a Dickhead might be part of a
friend group that includes mostly non-Dickheads, Assholes only hang out with
other Assholes. An Asshole would never
be a marathon spectator, even to prank the runners. In fact, many Assholes run
marathons. They also cycle and rock climb. Assholes are the ones who
convince the Dickheads to start wars. Like Dickheads, Assholes are bullies;
however, unlike Dickheads, Assholes’ bullying lacks any creativity and shuns
tradition. An Asshole does not bully with schoolyard wedgies. An Asshole just sets
your car on fire. Women can absolutely be Assholes. Assholes do not need to be
told they are Assholes. Assholes do not honk at you, you honk at Assholes.
Assholes are remorseless cheaters, at games and in relationships. While your
older brother is a Dickhead, it’s your friend’s older brother that’s the
Asshole. Assholes don’t participate in Halloween, unless it involves throwing eggs,
which is not done out of respect for a tradition, but simply because it hurts
and stains. Assholes don’t give gifts and they return all gifts they receive. Assholes
don’t give stock advice, especially
when they should. Assholes are bad tippers because they lack empathy. The
animal kingdom is made up almost exclusively of Assholes (dogs are the
exception). From the perspective of the animal kingdom, the human race is a
race of Assholes. Assholes drink wine. Assholes don’t borrow money, they
manipulate the system and steal it. Women love Assholes.
Click here to read Volume 2: Douchebags and Scrotes
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